Vamos a Guayaquil. See Guayaquil in 24 hours.
Misertravel has toured nearly all the tourist attractions in Guayaquil and has narrowed it down to a one full day tour to see the major highlights.
Where to stay?
Miser travel recommends using the hotel map function when booking to stay in the areas walking distance of Parque Seminario and Malecon 2000.
What to see?
The main highlights in the city is Malecon 2000 and the walk to Cerro Santa Ana Church on the hill. It’s best to do this trip early when it’s not too hot and sunny. The city tour buses that leave from Malecon 2000 are not good for this trip since you need to get there and climb the stairs yourself. Pace yourself, it can be difficult for some people.
The city tour bus is good for transportation and general overview of the city. The operators are really friendly from misertravel experience. The main highlight on the city tour bus is Mirador Cerro Paraiso/Mirador Bellavista to get a panoramic view of the city. When you get there you will notice most locals and tourist use private vehicles to get there.
Touring the city cost less than $10 dollars including the bus tour that leaves from Malecon 2000. But it cost nothing if you willing to do the approximately one hour walk from Malecon 2000 to the top of the Cerro Santa Ana Church to see the main highlights and get a nice views of Guayaquil.
Be aware that many tour advise websites separate a bunch of attractions that are essentially found in one location a few feet away. You should realize that when you climb all the steps all the way to the top to view the Santa Ana Church below. And if a tour attraction site don’t list Mirador Cerro Paraiso/Mirador Bellavista as a major must see, they probably have never toured the city themselves.